Saturday, 14 May 2011

Silver Linings

As my status as a Sagittarian suggests, I am something of an optimist. When I run into an obstacle I like to find the silver lining. Fortunately my life gives me plenty of opportunities to do this. So here are the silver linings I found this week.

* When I got my $500 electricity bill because it was less than half the price of the previous one.

* When Miss Rose pooed on the floor because it was a nice, solid easy one to pick up.

* When Miss Jade woke us up at 2am with the crying and itching that can only signal worms, because I knew I would be able to use this as a reason to miss pre-school and therefore the preschool run.

* When I had to wash every item of linen and blankie due to the above worm infestation because we got a new dryer last week and would not have to peg it all on the line.

* When my brother-in-law turned up unannounced and slightly tipsy (Rolling drunk) with his ex-girlfriend in tow at 10.30pm because at least I would have a conversation with a grown-up.

* When my husband woke me up at some ungodly hour to talk in his excited voice about the results of the F1 race because it was the first conversation we'd had in a week that wasn't conducted over the top of screaming children.

What were your silver lining moments of the week?

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