Friday, 19 August 2011

An Open Letter to Coleworths

Dear Coleworths,

Consider yourselves on notice.

I understand of course that you have to advertise. You're running a duopoly here. How else would the general public be able to distinguish between your identical offerings. It's just that your current marketing leaves a distinctly bad taste in my mouth.

It's great that you're reducing your prices. Great in the way that it might be great if someone who has belittled, nagged and put you down for years tells you that they are going to do this slightly less often in the future. If you could do it, why not sooner? I can almost see your board of directors rubbing their enormous red rubber hands together with glee at their annual meeting - something along the lines of "we've fooled them for this long Roger and now we're going to make them happy about it" followed by maniacal laughter all round.

To add insult to injury of course - prices are NOT EVEN DOWN. They have just been shuffled slightly, which anyone who can read and count would have noticed. Yes Coleworths I realize that nappies, milk and bread are cheaper but when everything else is slightly more expensive I am not stupid enough to miss it.

So stop insulting my intelligence with your glaringly , outrageously misleading advertising campaigns. I have caught you big-red-rubber-handed. You are robbing me blind. As per usual.

Yours sincerely


PS Please note I have edited this post to be 7 percent less offensive than the draft I wrote on the 13/08/11

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